Iniziate le operazioni di raccolta e selezione

Una stagione molto particolare che ci sta donando un raccolto eccellente sia in quantità che in qualità.

Le dinamiche metereologiche eccezionali che hanno caratterizzato il 2023 hanno conferito alle nostre olive una polpa gustosa, profumatissima e ricca del nostro nettare dorato !

L’ottimo grado di maturazione, la spremitura immediata, il mulino di proprietà ad uso esclusivo delle nostre olive siamo certi daranno al nostro Olio Evo Biodinamico delle caratteristiche uniche che è importante non lasciarsi sfuggire !

New Oil – Same Certainty

Preparation, harvest, selection, care, milling, analysis, bottling, quality control and, finally, SALE.

We took a while to wait, but such a difficult season could not allow us to leave anything to chance.

All the chemical and organoleptic analyzes have confirmed that our Biodynamic Evo Oil of the NEW 2021/2022 season is excellent!

Acidity, peroxides, panel tests have promoted the ally of your tables with flying colors.

A genuine and guaranteed product, with rigorous cultivation and production standards.

Finally on sale to pamper your refined palates!

The harvest of the new olives reveals the new fragrances of 2021 oil

Limited quantity but excellent quality.

The weather situation of this season had already made it clear that the harvest would be modest in quantity.

This is why we have put even more care and dedication into the daily cultivation of our estate.

We were impatient but we were confident, and our love for nature has rewarded us again.

Since the first grinding, a unique perfume has invaded our small mill, polished for the occasion and kept well away from products external to our estate.

In religious silence, out of breath and curious about the result, we waited for the first drop of our precious and delicious nectar to rise.


It couldn’t be otherwise!

Now we await the instrumental and organoleptic analyzes of our product, the quality certifications and the end of the harvest and milling …

… and finally our GREEN GOLD will be ready to accompany your best culinary preparations and delight your precious palates!


It is now the perfect time to produce our new excellent extra virgin olive oil

Nature, the cycle of the seasons, the amount of water and sun.

Nothing is predictable, nothing can be conditioned, nothing in nature can be controlled!

It is Nature that commands us. And respect is needed! You have to choose to respect. Without compromises !

This is our philosophy, and nature thanks us every year by rewarding us!

We have prepared all the equipment, disinfected and cleaned our mill like a mirror, prepared all the spaces and workers, educated and listened to new procedures.

We are monitoring every area of ​​our estate on a daily basis to pick our precious olives exactly when nature tells us that they are at the optimal degree of ripeness for the characteristics we want from our green nectar.

Only when the moment is perfect will we gently start the manual harvesting of the fruit of our work.

But now we wait, watch and respect!

A new season, a new website, a new production of our delicious extra virgin olive oil

Can poetry exist only in the pages of a book or on the stage ?

Our Olio Evo is poetry that brings together all the flavors.

The 2020/21 season has a remarkable quality flavor!

Don’t miss the last bottles!

Ciao ! Come posso aiutarti ?